Thursday, August 04, 2005


Not to mention, porn is just one manifestion of my problem or problems. If I don't stay up all night looking at porn I'm looking at camera stuff or any other damn thing that has struck my fancy. And if I'm not on the computer I'm up all night watching HBO or listening to music, and if I'm not at home I'm out chasing women, which tonight I saw once again that I am pretty damn good at. We went to this local cultural celebration type thing and I got so much play from so many girls. It was ridiculous. In sixty feet of walking, three very beautiful and hot girls, and three or four pretty ones, practically threw themselves at me. It was tricky not being spotted doing my thing with them, but what can I say, I'm an expert. Some girls say I'm handsome, but I'm not sure I believe it. All the girls I pull, though, say I have bedroom eyes, and I believe that. It must just be the vibe I send out. The "You will love fucking me" vibe or perhaps the "You will fall in love with me yet I am a Lothario" vibe. Maybe it's just that really good part of my spirit deep inside. Who knows. But after thirty-something years I am finally realizing that I really AM a fuck magnet and the more I admit it the more ass I get. In a way I'm trying like mad to get all the girls I deserve and that I didn't get over the earlier parts of my life, and in another way I'm trying to do it just to get it out of my system before I get old and bitter that I didn't fuck all these delicious twenty- and thirty-somethings, and yet in another way I'm trying like hell not to fuck up at all and to just get over it and not eat my heart out the rest of my life.

But back to the subject at hand. The porn is nothing, it's just one of the infinite diversions that get me. What a moron that person is who left the aforementioned feedback.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

since you got shitty feedback i will leave positive feedback to offset.

i don't understand why people don't comment more on these posts. i find this all horribly interesting.

maybe it is because i am also a porn addict. the difference being i find real women untouchable if they are bereft of intelligence and/or personality. the last thing i need is to have someone yapping in my ear about reality television and nail polish. how do you get around that?

35 is still plenty young. guys in their sixties do this sort of thing. and Hef, did he pass the century mark yet? women just love older men.

that said, i enjoy reading this. keep it up.