Saturday, March 26, 2005

Part V of The Domme - Marxism

that chick, the Domme,
i haven't posted about meeting her,
and i'll write a bunch more, shortly,
she looked super hot in her pics
and seemed very self assured
Interesting, to me
The more I got her interested in me, the less I thought of her
I'm like Groucho Marx
I'd never join any club that would have me as a member
When she agreed to meet me i was like, over her
and when i met her and had her wrapped around my finger i was completely bored
Isn't that wild?
I was like, "Next!"
I wish I could stay in love
I see these people who are like that
people who have 9-5's (it's 8-5 in this country, who are we kidding)
and who have 2.3 kids
nice home
no kink
they squeegee the glass door in the shower every time they get out
to avoid spots
I'm just a ghoul compared to these people
No self control
There was a Queen, I believe of France,
who supposedly said on her deathbed,
"All of my riches
for a moment in time"
I dated a girl who squeegeed her glass shower
well really I was cheating on my girlfriend with her
Well no that's not true, I was dating both of them
and fell in love with her for a while
Anyway she said it was worth it to squeegee every day
to keep it looking nice.
Only takes a couple of minutes.
On my deathbed
if I squeegeed
I'd be thinking, Let's see, 3 minutes a day
times 365 a year
times 60 years
that's 65,700 minutes
which is 1,095 hours
which is 45-1/2 days straight, 24 hours a day
Pissed away, squeegeeing.

I tried squeegeeing
at her house
I mean I wasn't going to come right out of the gate and contradict her
She was too feisty and feminist for that
So I tried it
to see whether I could make myself into a squeegeer
(I was still in love with her)
So I start squeegeeing
and I'm like a crank addict,
toes tapping, knees pumping up and down, jaws clacking, fingers drumming 90 mph
I can't get it done fast enough and it feels like I'm going to explode, wasting my time there
So I have a shower curtain and we just throw it away every few years when the water spots are too annoying

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