Friday, June 10, 2005


Going up the coast a couple three hours to a wedding. My 22 year old sister-in-law's friend. Super cute girl, soft face, big doe eyes, juicy lips. I'd pound her. Hopefully the wife enjoys the weekend and isn't on her usual automatic sour mood.

At the bank today a cute girl behind the counter gave me the eye. Dressed in black; straight brown hair, glasses; healthy, soft breasts and ass. I did my flirty shy thing and she kept peeking at me and smiling. As I was leaving she checked me out. I would totally pound that.

Got another $20 grand out of nowhere, so that will tide me over a bit. Will write more on Sunday nite when I get back.


beans said...

how in the hell does cash just fall into your lap like that?
i guess i need to play the lotto.
or something!

addict said...

To quote Carlito's Way,, someone "owed me, from an old thing."

My point of view about the Lotto is, You know how they say you can't win if you don't play? Well, statistically, you basically can't win even if you do play. Ha ha!